Safety culture course programs

Safety culture course programs


1. " Training Program for responsible specialists in environmental protection of the Corporate center and subsidiaries of NAC Kazatomprom JSC within the framework of «the Updated action Plan for the implementation of the ESAP Roadmap of NAC Kazatomprom JSC»

Training goals:

  • obtaining knowledge and skills on waste management of production and consumption at the enterprises of JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom" in accordance with the legislative requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan and best international industry practices (GIIP);
  • gaining theoretical knowledge of basic concepts in the study of biodiversity and practical skills in the field of problems of its conservation;
  • mastering methods of analysis and assessment of biodiversity at various levels of the biosphere organization for practical application in the field of environmental monitoring, conservation of biological diversity, taking into account the main strategies for its restoration, ensuring security and sustainable interaction of man with the natural environment and society;
  • application of methods of biodiversity assessment at the enterprises of JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom" in accordance with the legislative requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international experience and best industry practices (GIIP).

Name of the training topic

Duration, academic hours

New dates of training

Place of training

Cost of training tg/per person including VAT

Waste management of production and consumption at the enterprises of JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom""


July 23-24

Almaty Bogenbai batyra 168/42, 4 floor

165 000

Implementation of industrial environmental control (monitoring) at the enterprises of JSC "NAC" Kazatomprom"


August 20-21

165 000

Assessment of biodiversity in uranium deposits 


September 22-23

182 000

* Cost of training includes professional services of experts, handouts, certificate of the established sample, coffee break.

** ** Time of classes: from 09.00 h. until 17.00 h

2.   E-course Program “Accident Investigation” (distance learning)

The e – course on “accident Investigation” covers practical tools and corresponds to an 8-hour full-time course. This course is aimed at developing theoretical and practical skills for proper investigation, identifying the root causes of failures in the management system and developing effective corrective measures.

The main target audience of the course is senior and middle managers, as well as specialists.


Benefits for employers

• * A report with detailed information processing that will help assess the level of involvement in improving the accident investigation system and the participants ‘ acquired knowledge in the course of training


 Advantages for listeners

* Participants will learn the procedure for prompt notification when an incident is detected;

• Be able to confidently navigate the Company’s standard;

• Clearly and precisely  state the main provisions and requirements of the document;

• Examine the procedure for each process for the prevention of accidents;

• They will know and understand how the investigation of accidents should be organized and conducted efficiently;

* Study the procedure for developing corrective preventive measures (based on the “SMART” principle).


 Brief description of the e-course program:

The training program consists of a lecture part, which includes the following sections:

* Course goals.

* Definition of the term “incident”. Background of the incident.

* The main purpose of the accident investigation.

* The place of the accident investigation standard in the industrial safety management system.

* Principles of accident investigation. Requirements for internal investigation of accidents.

• The scheme of the investigation – notification and priority measures. Prompt information and response. Reporting an incident, preparing and distributing an incident report.

* Classification of contractor incidents by area of influence.

* Procedure for investigating incidents. Terms of investigation of accidents.

• Commission structure. The role of the Chairman of the Commission in the investigation of the incident. The establishment of the Commission and collection of established facts.

• Construction of a timeline. Critical factor. Analysis of cause-and-effect relationships and root causes. Consideration of root cause analysis tools.

* Development of corrective and preventive measures. The «SMART» method.

The cost of access to the exchange rate per employee is 73 360 tenge including VAT


3. E-course program "Leadership in the field of industrial safety" (distance learning)

The e-course on "Leadership in industrial safety" covers practical tools for all 7 Golden rules and corresponds to an 8-hour full-time course. This course is aimed at developing the skills of managers in the field of industrial safety, namely: leadership qualities, involvement of personnel in safety work, preventive tools and methods, in order to increase the level of safety culture and reduce occupational injuries, as well as to increase the level of responsibility and awareness of safety.

Organizations ' investments in the creation of occupational safety management systems may not produce the expected effect without proper attitude to occupational safety issues and Declaration of safety as a value from direct managers and top officials of the organization. Each Manager should be personally involved in the process of improving occupational safety and health and should become an active participant in it. The new attitude to occupational safety and health should start at the top, with the highest administrative officials of the organization and extend to the lower level of managers and ordinary employees.

The main target audience of the course is senior and middle managers, as well as specialists.

Benefits for employers

* Increase personal and team involvement in creating safe working conditions

* Mastering additional communication tools with your team

• * A report with detailed information processing, which will help to assess the level of involvement in improving industrial safety and the acquired knowledge of participants in the course of training

The benefits for students

* Awareness of the role of the leader in the development of a safety culture and in managing the human factor in the workplace

* Study of practical tools according to the 7 Golden rules of the world vision Zero concept

Brief description of the e-course program:

The training program consists of 7 modules, each of which consists of several sections.

Module 1. Safety Culture and security Management System

This module examines the importance of a systematic approach to safety management, comparing safety culture levels and their characteristics (the Bradley curve), answering the question of why working safely is profitable (direct and indirect costs of accidents), the importance of working for prevention, and the principle of continuous improvement.

Module 2. Managers ' leadership in the field of industrial safety

This module reveals the main aspects, qualities, characteristics of a security leader, answers the question of why people behave dangerously, what factors influence people's behavior, and what methods the security management system offers to deal with dangerous behavior. We consider different motivation tools and determine which of them are the most effective.

Module 3. Bilateral effective communication and involvement of staff.  This module discusses the types of communications, communication tools of the leader, explains in detail the principles of conducting interactive instruction, involving staff in the process of two-way communication.

Module 4. The risk management process. The prevention of accidents

The topic of this module is a proactive approach to security management. If accidents continue to occur in the company, the reason should be sought as a risk assessment. Let's get acquainted with the "Five steps" risk assessment methodology - a simple accessible method for each employee to use in order to prevent injuries and accidents. We will study the interdependence of the levels of the incident pyramid and answer the question why it is important to identify and eliminate dangerous conditions and actions in the first place in order to prevent negative developments.

At the end of training, students pass 4 online tests for each module and an anonymous questionnaire, which allows you to effectively assess the level of knowledge and assimilation of the material.

The results of the course. Presentation of certificates

The cost of access to the exchange rate per employee is 73 360 tenge including VAT