Material and technical base

Material and technical base

Today, Kazakhstan Nuclear University has a modern material and technical base that allows you to conduct lectures, practical seminars using interactive tools, virtual reality, as well as laboratory and practical work.

Conference hall

Seating capacity: 35 listeners


modern multimedia system, including an interactive Board " POLYVISION»;

Computer training system "Sorption of uranium on ion exchange columns (IEC-3M)" using virtual reality (VR) technology and augmented reality (AR) technology, designed for:- studying the theoretical foundations of ion exchange processes;

- study of the internal structure of the IEC-3M column;

- study of theoretical and practical bases of uranium sorption on IEC-3M  columns in the pregnant solution processing facility ;

- development and development of skills for carrying out resin reloading on the IEC-3M   column in manual mode.

Laboratory "Physical and chemical processes of uranium technology"

For simultaneous classes of 8-10 students, equipped with the following laboratory facilities:

- complex for the study of agitation and percolation leaching;

vertical tray-a model for determining the nature of the movement of solutions in the conditions of changing (chemical and physical) properties of ore and studying the lithological and filtration properties of the rock;

- horizontal tray-a model for determining the nature of the movement of solutions in the conditions of changes (chemical and physical) properties of the ore with the possibility of selecting options for opening the ore body. Use of row and hexagonal methods of well placement. The study of the processes of colmatation (chemical mechanism, mechanism);

- the current model of the sorption-desorption column for the study of ion exchange processes;

current model of the ion exchange column  for studying ion exchange processes

- Behrotest R column device for studying sorption and desorption processes in the amount of 2 copies

- «pumps for moving liquid media» for studying the operation of centrifugal pumps, calculating the hydraulic resistance of the pipeline and the power of the pump for moving liquid media;

- physical model of a thickener for precipitation and filtration of suspension by the method of thickening and settling

- physical layout of the drum dryer

- a physical model of a dryer with a fluidized bed of material;

- a device for measuring the coefficient of filtration;

- Automatic titrator ATP 02;

Radiation and Industrial Safety room

It is equipped with modern dosimetric and radiometric equipment:

- device for measuring the parent radionuclide Rn222 "Ramon-Radon-01";

- universal radiometer-dosimeter "RKS-01-SOLO";

- dosimeter "DRG-01T1";

- dosimeter - radiometer MKS-1117M;

- dosimeter - radiometer DKS -96 ABG;

- dosimeter - radiometer MKS-AT1117M in the composition with the information processing unit.

Equipped with visual aids and accounting materials on industrial safety, safety and labor protection;

Computer class

Capacity: 10-12 students

- allows you to conduct any computer courses, including the study of special "Mine" software for specialists of various profiles;

- equipped with computer simulators: "Geotechnological field", "Section of processing of productive solutions," simulating on the basis of mathematical modeling the processes occurring during underground borehole leaching of uranium, sorption extraction of uranium from productive solutions.

Digital library

Contains more than 2,000 units of literature sources of industry;

Methodological support of the educational process

All educational programs are provided with methodological materials. Additionally developed and published the following textbooks and teaching aids - "Geotechnology of metals" (2005);

- "Physico-chemical basis and technology for obtaining chemical concentrates of natural uranium" (in Russian and Kazakh languages) (2005-2006);

- "Laboratory methods of research and analysis of rare-earth and radioactive minerals and ores" (2008);

- electronic textbook "Hydrometallurgy of Uranium" (2008);

- "Theory and practice of production of uranium and its compounds" (2012)