40 leaders of new joint ventures trained;
about 40 000 of employees of the Company's enterprises have improved their qualifications
more than 80% of training provided on the job
162 students from Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University and other Kazakhstani universities were trained in the industry and distributed to uranium mining joint ventures.
315 representatives of NAC Kazatomprom JSC enterprises were retrained, including the program of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.
50 employers of NAC Kazatomprom JSC enterprises have completed the industry MBA program together with the National Research Technological University "MISiS".
KNU advantages:
Meeting all the needs in training personnel of uranium mining enterprises:
- Mandatory education
- Profiled education
- Corporate education
- Managerial skills
- Individual education
- Language education
On the job training
Meeting the wishes of enterprises to optimize costs on advanced training of personnel, the University provides 80% of training in the field
Unique educational laboratory complex
Possibility of simulation, reproduction, modelling of in situ leaching processes
Languages of instruction (at the request of enterprises): Kazakh, Russian, English
Customer satisfaction monitoring and analyzes
- Regular feedback
- Improving the educational process
- Identifying the need for training
- Determination of the effectiveness and efficiency of training
Prospective planning of training