Volkovgeology JSC

Volkovgeology Joint Stock Company has been a part of Kazatomprom since 1997.

Shareholders: NAC Kazatomprom JSC and UMP JSC.

Volkovgeology JSC is a successor of Volkov Geological Exploration Expedition in all the areas of production activities, established on January 1, 1948, in accordance with the Order of the USSR Minister of Geology, with the responsibilities for searching and prospecting uranium ores in the territory of Kazakhstan.

The main activity of the company is geological prospecting and exploration, which is a complex of geophysical research on mineral deposits, drilling and construction of exploration, hydrogeological, development and production wells, process wells, laboratory and analytical studies in the geological industry, including those using precursors.

Volkovgeology JSC provides geological support for all activities of NAC Kazatomprom JSC - from prospecting, exploration of uranium deposits to their commissioning in industrial operation, conducts process drilling for mining, and development works at uranium mining enterprises of the company.

Acting CEO - Dinmukhamed Moldashi

168, Bogenbai batyr Street, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 050012.